
Showing posts from May, 2013

A View Manager in Vaadin

One of the problems I faced early on in developing a Vaadin Application was how to move from one screen to the next. I managed to find a example pattern which is based on a "View Manager". This object is responsible for maintaining the various screens within the application. At any point you can ask the "Manager" for a previous screen and you can display its contents. The example I found that uses this pattern is called the " Gas Diary ". The View Manager class itself contains a HaspMap and a Stack. The HashMap contains a string for the name of the view and a Layout. The Stack contains a Layout. In the Gas Diary Main Application the Login Screen is "switched" to via this process. setMainWindow(mainWindow); viewManager = new ViewManager(mainWindow); // Create the login screen viewManager.switchScreen(LoginScreen.class.getName(), new LoginScreen()); This method has worked for me

Open Search Server - A Discovery.

Search. The missing app in organisations. In my opinion poor search is the root of "knowledge management" issues. In fact, I think a poor search platform is to blame for huge duplication within organisations. In reality, no one can find anything in your average company. Open Search Server is an interesting open source solution in this space.