AWS Samples Behind a Corporate Firewall

The AWS Java SDK includes some interesting examples of how to use the API for a range of different use cases ( S3, SQS, SNS etc ) These work well if they are installed on a EC2 instance. However, what if you are behind a Corporate Firewall and you want the example to access the AWS services on the internet.? The Amazon S3 Client Object contains a constructor which receives a Client Configuration Object. AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentials creds, ClientConfiguration config) The Client Configuration object has methods to establish a proxy configuration so that the client can connect into the internet via the proxy. ClientConfiguration config = new ClientConfiguration(); config.setProxyHost("ProxyHostName"); config.setProxyUsername("ProxyUserName"); config.setProxyPassword("ProxyPassword"); If you add this type of code into a AWS Sample then you should be able to punch your way through the Corporate Fir...