
Showing posts from November, 2013

Web Cam and Vaadin

A very interesting Web Cam Add On is available from the Vaadin Add On site . Here is a simple recipe for making it work. Create a split panel and add the Web Cam to the left hand side of the panel. splitPanel = new HorizontalSplitPanel(); splitPanel.setSizeFull(); VerticalLayout detailsLayout = new VerticalLayout(); detailsLayout.setSpacing(true); detailsLayout.setSizeFull(); // Create the webcam and assign a receiver. final Webcam webcam = new Webcam(); webcam.setWidth("600px"); detailsLayout.addComponent(webcam); detailsLayout.setComponentAlignment(webcam, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); Create a receiver which creates a temporary file with a jpeg extension. webcam.setReceiver(new Upload.Receiver() { @Override public OutputStream receiveUpload(String filename, String mimeType) { try { targetFile = File.createTemp