The CSV Editor - The Beginning

What am I doing..? What began as a process to learn JavaFX has turned into a lengthy, mistake-driven, process. I have learnt a lot and gained an appreciation for creating something which has value and at the same time provides a pathway for learning. CSV Editor - the starting point It seemed a simple idea. Build a CSV Editor in JavaFX. I started by looking for an example and soon found this remarkable free tool CSVed . This editor did everything and much more. There isn't a feature that isn't covered by this tool and its long revision history ( dating back to 2008 !!! ) is a testament to software endurance. I decided I wouldn't be as bold. I would play it safe, set the features small, and climb the software ladder one step at a time. I had years of Java experience but my JavaFX experience was minimal. The Features So, using my loved Modelling tool, Sparx Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems , I mapped out my main features. And so began a journey of rab...