The word MOBILE will disappear

It is pretty obvious that Mobile Devices will eventually overtake the number of PC's.

When this will happen is open to debate.

So what.

Well I think this will mean we will drop the word "mobile" and we will call everything a "device". The connected world will be dominated by the device. People will have multiple devices, phones, tablets and everything in between. I suspect most people will have at least two devices, a phone and probably a tablet, iPad or an Android device.

So, what about the PC.?

Well, the key word arising from the PC demise will be "specialisation".

There will be a group of people who will need the power and versatility of a specialised device.

A good example of this type of specialisation is the recent Dell / Ubuntu PC for Developers. Here is a device that is targeted to a specific group of people who have IT requirements that exceed the normal device.

There are other markets that need this specialisation such as Graphic Designers, Video editors etc.

So, mobile will disappear and device will dominate and specialised will rise.


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