Vaadin JPA Container Example

Simple example showing how to use a Vaadin JPA Container

The scenario is a Customer entity in a database. You have a use case which requires the retrieval of a customer record by Name and By Number.

1) Set up a Entity Manager
private final EntityManager em;
2) Create the Entity Manager from the persistence unit

em = JPAContainerFactory.createEntityManagerForPersistenceUnit(< name of persistence unit >);

3) Get Customer By Number - returns a JPA Container which is useful for Vaadin Tables
public JPAContainer getCustomerByNumber(String aCustomerNumber) {

        JPAContainer customer
                = JPAContainerFactory.make(Customer.class, em);
        Container.Filter filter = new Compare.Equal("number", aCustomerNumber);

        return customer;


4) Get Customer By Name - uses JPA named query
public Customer getCustomerByName(String aCustomerName) {
        Query queryCustomerByName = em.createNamedQuery("Customer.findByName");
        queryCustomerByName.setParameter("name", aCustomerName);
        Customer aCustomer = (Customer) queryCustomerByName.getSingleResult();
        return aCustomer;


Note you will need to have a Customer Class to represent your customer entity.


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